December 5, 2021

Ringing In The New Year With Tenant Reminders 

The turning of the calendar to a new month and new year is symbolic of a fresh start, a clean slate, if you will. Take advantage of this new beginning as a time to refresh and remind your tenants or community members of the services your team offers as well as a gentle reminder of community guidelines. 

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Software Updates 

Many property management providers and landlords offer online payments and software to make putting in repair requests or comments easy to manage. 

If your community is starting to utilize a new software program or wants to encourage more tenants to use your current one, the new year is a great time to remind them of the advantages of such software. 

For instance, paying rent or HOA dues can be infinitely easier and timely if it is scheduled on a software application. Many of them even have mobile apps to make things even easier to pay or make a request on-the-go. 

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Changes in Lease or Laws 

The new year is an excellent time to send out a community or building-wide newsletter informing the people who live in your community any changes to Massachusetts state laws regarding leasing, tenancy-at will or payment requirements. 

An easy to access document can be read and referred to throughout the year as changes are made to any state laws or local leasing agreements. 

This is also a good time to let your tenants or community members know if there will be any increases in fees or leasing agreements. Allowing residents a chance to budget well in advance is a smart way to prepare them for any increases. 

Maintenance Schedules or Landscaping Timelines 

As the winter settles in, the turning of the calendar is an appropriate time to remind the residents in your community of any major maintenance that is scheduled. 

For instance, if this summer is the time you plan on installing a new roof or making upgrades to the amenities, you will want to give your tenants a heads up so they can plan accordingly. 

Giving a landscape timeline is also a good idea for kicking off the new year. If you have a new landscaping company or plan to start spring clean ups at a certain time, you can inform your community at this time. 

Reminders of Rights 

Tenants have certain rights (as well as responsibilities) that fall on their shoulders. Provide resources on a regular basis that allows your community members to read about their rights and understand them fully. The site has a full library of tenant rights articles that could be helpful. 

As responsible property managers or landlords, what are you doing to help provide resources and information this New Years to your tenants and community members? 


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