Holiday decor
December 1, 2021

Holiday Decor Rules in Your HOA

The months of November and December are filled with holidays and religious events that are joyously observed by multiple religions around the globe. In fact, celebrations including Diwali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Advent, Christmas, and New Years, make for a very busy couple of months. 

With this being the case, now is a good time as ever to review with your community members or tenants your expectations for holiday decor, especially if decorating rules are a part of your association rules. 

Let’s take a closer look at how cheery seasonal decorations can be balanced with our world’s beautiful diversity to accommodate all the religions and traditions. Here are some decorating tips that will benefit most HOA residents, tenants, and board members.

Holiday decor

Assess Your Timing 

We know that a lot of people love to start celebrating the holidays right after the Halloween candy has been handed out. Be sure to consult with your community or association rules to determine when decorations are allowed and when they are due to be taken down. 

Most communities have a specific timeline to follow according to the CC&Rs. A common rule is to put them up no earlier than a month before the holiday and take them down no later than two weeks afterward. Some communities, however, have rules about putting decorations up after Thanksgiving and taking them down by the first week of January. 

The best scenario is to check with your association or property management team about what the timeline is for your area. 

Avoid Excessive Lights & Noise

Communities are meant to be enjoyed by all who reside there. So be mindful of any excessive blinking lights or decorations that make noise, sing songs, or are too flashy. 

Many homeowners associations only allow a certain length of light strands, such as up to 200 feet. There may also be restrictions on when lights or music may be playing. For example, all lighted displays may need to be turned off by 9pm. It’s a good idea to put these on a timer to help you maintain the adherence to the community decor rules. 

Avoid Negative & Offensive Decor 

In this world where politics and religion can be sensitive subjects, it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution and place positive and uplifting decorations on your property. Avoid any decor that may offend your neighbors or cause issues during the holiday season. 

Violations that impact HOA rules may mean your decorations will need to be adjusted or removed altogether. 

Consider Safety Protocols 

When placing your holiday decorations be sure to check all wires and equipment for safety purposes. Your HOA or property maintenance team may need to take a quick look to be sure there are no fire safety issues with excessive plugs or frayed wires. 

What are the holiday decor rules in your community? Drop us a note this holiday season and let us know how your celebrations are going! 


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