medical mask
May 6, 2020

Keeping Pace with Covid-19 in Condo Associations 

The novel Coronavirus has created many unique scenarios when it comes to working, living, and keeping everyone safe and well. A condo association, where many people live in close proximity, is one such unique circumstance. 

How can your homeowners association keep up with the latest information and keep residents up-to-date? What steps can you take to keep everyone safe and comfortable during this unprecedented time? Let’s examine some of the unique aspects of condo living during the covid-19 outbreak. 

condo building

Follow Local and State Mandates 

Depending upon your location, there will be local and state mandates that will need to be followed even within a condo association. These should be followed for the safety of all who live in the association. 

For example, Governor Baker of Massachusetts declared that gyms will be shuttered so that close contact and multi-use equipment can be avoided. While many private associations may argue that the governor has no control over their association, most have closed common areas like fitness rooms, pools, and play structures for the protection of all who live in the area. 

Disclose Important Information without Violating Privacy 

If your association has become aware of an outbreak of the virus, it may be their prerogative to disclose that information to the entire association without violating the person(s) privacy. Inform the community that there has been a case of an infected person without giving names, unit numbers, or other personal information. Residents can then take necessary precautions to keep themselves out of harm’s way. 

hammer with nails

Consider Vendors and Renovation Projects 

While outside landscaping and other third party work may continue at your association, your HOA may decide to waive other projects and stop some non-essential vendors from completing any projects that they deem unsafe. These vendors may be asked to take special precautions such as using masks, gloves, and other protective gear. Email questions about what vendors such as gardeners, pool maintenance, or exterior workmen can be on your property during this time. 

Consider Deliveries 

Many HOAs are changing their protocols when it comes to deliveries. For associations that have interior entrances, packages are now being placed in lobbies or front entryways where homeowners can safely get them without having delivery personnel enter the building. 

During this very unsettling time, it is important to keep good communication going with your community members so that everyone is informed about what safety precautions are being taken and how they can protect themselves. 


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