April 8, 2020

Importance of Aesthetic Rules in a Community 

For many condominium unit owners, some of the best things about living in a community include the access to amenities, the lack of maintenance they need to do, and the overall clean and aesthetically pleasing area they are able to live in. Aesthetic rules, therefore, become imperative to maintain that pleasant appearance and professional looking environment. 

Think about the components of your community. Elevators that are clean and well-maintained. Exterior paint and siding that is fresh and clean. Shrubbery and landscaping that is well-manicured. And don’t forget about the walkways and hallways that are cleaned on a regular basis. All of this is often taken for granted by unit owners, but it lends itself to promoting a positive and healthy community. 

When communities and community members adhere to the standards set forth in the bylaws governing the HOA (Homeowners Association) the area can continue to look beautiful throughout the year. 

There are several reasons why maintaining these standards are important for both the community as a whole and individual unit owners. Some of the most important reasons to continue to adhere to these standards include maintaining the property values, enhancing cleanliness, and promoting a positive, happy environment. 

kitchenMaintaining Property Values 

Realtors can quote statistics about the importance of curb appeal and how the look of a home or even the exterior of a condo unit can determine within seconds whether a buyer will even consider purchasing in an association. If each property owner has an exterior that is aesthetically different and causes the overall look of the community to be one that is not uniform or possibly even gaudy, then buyers will move on to the next community. Maintaining the standard look could mean the difference between increasing or potentially decreasing your property value. 

Enhancing Cleanliness

When unit owners follow rules about cleaning up after themselves in common areas such as the fitness room, pool, playground, or tennis courts, it means that the environment can continue to look pleasant. Following rules about exterior decor, pet rules, and the type and amount of cars allowed in parking areas can also have a huge impact on the overall cleanliness of the community. Maintaining that spotless appearance is a positive outcome for all community members and unit owners. 

home libraryHappy Environment 

Doesn’t everyone want to come home to a well maintained community? Driving through your condo association, do you see lawn that has been mowed, siding that is painted, and front walkways that are uniform and clean? Believe it or not, these things can help make your environment one that you can be proud of. Consequently, pride can translate into positive feelings that you may have about living in your condo association. 

How well maintained and aesthetically pleasing is your association? What makes it that way? Tell us in the comments below or comment on our Facebook page


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