green + white blog title graphic "How to Market Your Rental Property"
June 10, 2024

How to Market Your Rental Property

So you’re a novice to being a landlord and you have a property that’s ready to be rented?  To be successful in your endeavors, you need to market your property so you can first attract potential tenants and then retain them. In a growing changing rental market landscape, it’s normal to have questions on how to share your rental properties with interested residents. By following these four techniques, you’ll be able to successfully market your rental property in no time. 

Stage Your Property 

When you see listing ads, it may seem more common to find pictures of empty rooms. However, that says nothing about what inside the property looks like to a potential renter. Fill the rental property with furniture, decorations, and other elements that could give the space the appearance that someone could live there. It makes a potential rental home look comfy and creates an emotional connection that inspires buyers to make the final call. 

Here are 5 ways to stage your property

  1. Upgrading your kitchen 
  2. Removing clutter from your furniture
  3. Moving furniture around 
  4. Remove any photos or memorabilia that are specific to you or your previous renter.
  5. Improve the lighting

green + white blog graphic "5 Ways to Stage Your Property"

Advertise Online & Via Social Media

One of the most important techniques to market your property is through advertising online and social media. When you’re creating your listing to put on rental sites, your overview should mention a property description and high-quality photos and videos taken by a real estate agent. 

Social media is also a popular way to share more about your property. Try putting your listing on social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. It can help you increase the amount of potential tenants interested in your property. 

Have an Open House

The number one way to market your property is by having a rental open house. With these open houses, you can allow potential residents to visit during a specific time and observe your property. While these are most common when trying to sell houses, you can also use them for renting out certain properties; they can help you with spreading the word and meeting potential tenants face to face.

To ensure a successful rental open house here are four tips:

  1. Schedule a good time (weekends in the afternoon)
  2. Make sure the unit is ready 
  3. Have a book where you can gather guest’s contact information 
  4. Follow up with any potential tenants 

There are many ways to market your rental property so you can score the best tenants. 

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